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Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887


Question:   Should a boy or girl ever call each other by their first name to each other at any point during dating? Or should they avoid having to do so for tznius reasons?
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Question:   I am a girl in shidduchim who is proudly looking for a learning boy. I understand the zechus of marrying and supporting a husband who spends his days immersed in limud HaTorah. But what are the sacrifices? As experienced shadchanim, can you describe, in brief, what sacrifices I may have to make in order to take on this important...
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Question: As a bochur who has been dating for a while, I feel compelled to ask: Is it not basic kavod habrios that if one side would not like to continue a shidduch, the shadchan should call the other party to inform them? I have been told many times via a brief text from the shadchan that a shidduch that felt promising to me is no...
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Question: I was wondering what the panel thinks about taking a personality test before starting the dating process to help understand one’s own personality and what kind of person one would align with. It would also probably help shadchanim match people up. What are your feelings about this idea?
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Question: I'm a twenty-seven-year-old boy and I have been dating for over five years. At this point, my head is spinning. I have been out with so many girls, and after every time, I find myself more confused that I don't even know what I am looking for. I believe that I have to go back from...
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Question: For the past few months, I have received numerous phone calls about shidduch references for my friends whom I have not seen or spoken to ever since the coronavirus hemorrhaged all of our social lives. Even after I say nice things about my friends, the girls or their mothers decide that the prospect is not shayach simply because...
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Question: I am an independent shadchan in Flatbush and recently have been getting complaints from older single boys who have been getting pushed into dating older single girls. The girls are clamoring to get a date with these boys, but once they get the date going, usually after the second or third date, they are the ones...
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Question: I've gone out with a boy a few times. He’s nice and we have interesting conversations, but I feel so stressed when I think about going further, because I'm just not sure if he is someone I want to marry. There is nothing wrong with him, per se, and I don't even know why...
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Question: I’m interested in reading the opinions of the panelists regarding boys and girls exchanging phone numbers before they are fully ready to get engaged. Personally, I feel that breaking down this barrier causes unnecessary anguish if the shidduch doesn't work out, and it also forces the two of them to share their feelings about how it...
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Question: Perhaps the panelists can give some chizuk to those with disabilities. Many in our community feel discouraged due to being different themselves or having a sibling who is "different.” Do you have any tips in navigating a world that can sometimes be judgmental to those who are not the same as most other people?
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