Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887
Website sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Malkiel Goldberger in honor of their precious children | 443.955.9887


August 17, 2018
Question: I went out with a girl two times and the dates went well. However, during our conversations, she kept using certain phrases, like “Oh my gosh,” and “It was sooo amazing” and, most of all, “like.” I was like no way. I was like are you kidding? I was like this… I was like that… I...
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Question: A shidduch was redd to our son and we are considering giving a yes. Everything sounds great. However, two of my other sons, ages 18 and 20, found out about the shidduch and are adamantly against it. They say that they “know the girl’s brothers from camp” and there is “no way” the shidduch can proceed. “You can’t be serious,” “They’re not...
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